Sunday, September 11, 2011


     Unfortunately, I missed seeing the infographic video , but I looked at the resources on Schrock's website.  I think infographics are what we call "graphic sources" in my classroom.  My students enjoy lessons that include these and seem to have few, if any, problems understanding how to read infographics.
     I think having students search through magazines and newspapers for examples of infographics would be a fun activity.  Many magazines that are aimed at students such as Scholastic Action and Time for Kids include infographics with their stories.  Students could work together to find infographics and then describe the information presented in the graphic.  It would also be interesting to discuss other possible infographics that could be used to show the same information.
     Students may also enjoy creating their own infographics.  I can think of several social studies topics that could be used to create an infographic.  Students could decide the best way to show information such as Native American tribes in the USA, explorers in the New World, major North American rivers, etc.  Having students create their own infographic and then exchanging the creations with someone else to see if the information can be correctly interpreted would be an  interesting lesson.

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