Monday, September 5, 2011

21st Century Literacies - Goal Setting

As I read this week's chapter in Riddle, my attitude about the reading topic led me to add a goal to my list for this year of grad school. During my reading, I found that I was scornful of types of literacy other than "print". As a LA teacher, I focus on print since this is what my students are assessed on at the end of the year by the state. I was disgusted to find that I have been brainwashed into teaching only what is tested. I have to wake up and realize that my students need to be taught to read other things. Literacy isn't only about words. So... my goal is to use other literacy types in my classroom. I need to take a deep breath, trust that I am doing the right thing, and go against popular opinion that print is the only literacy that we should be teaching and assessing. I know I have to work on my own attitude first in order to make this work in my classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, but as teachers, I feel that we are taught to teach only whats on the test and stick to it.
