Thursday, December 1, 2011

Multimedia Project

     I can't say I had a lot of fun completing my multimedia project - I hit too many technology roadblocks that stressed me out - but I learned a lot from the process.  I was so proud of myself when I finally finished my Voice Thread.  I had my laptop at school and I worked on the project during my planning time a couple of times while I had a few students in my room.  They were interested in what I was doing, especeially once I started recording my voice, and wanted to know what I was doing.  I shared with a few of them (they thought it was so funny that I had homework with which I was struggling) and allowed them to watch me and give me feedback on what I was doing.  A few of them asked if they could do the same kind of project in our class, so I am now working on a way to include VoiceThread in my next novel unit.  I think its great when I can find a way to include something from my graduate school courses into my fifth grade classes, even when it is something that makes me a little uncomfortable.

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