Sunday, November 20, 2011

21st Century Literacies - Ideas

I have a student that is currently homebound because he is vision impaired since a recent operation.  His sight is expected to return - improvement is already occuring - and we hope he'll return to the classroom after Christmas break.  I've tried to think of ways to use what we are learning in this course to help keep M. on top of things here at school.  I often whine about technology, but let me tell you, it has sure come in handy during the past couple of weeks.  I've thought of a lot of the things we've discussed and used in class and worked at adapting them so that a student not physically in the classroom can still experience a lot of what is going on.  I'd love to hear any ideas for using technology to help a visually impaired student at home feel like apart of the classroom community.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have access to skype or facetime? That way you could video conference with him.
