Sunday, October 16, 2011

Am I Ready For This?

    I find it difficult to describe how I felt as I read the description of the classroom of the future in our text.  I can't say that I find it hard to believe such big changes could occur.  I've seen too many changes in my 19 years in the classroom to think that things will stay the same.  But I am intimidated by some of the changes that were talked about.  I try to stay on top of technology, but I find myself worried that I won't be able to understand or use correctly the next big thing in educational technology that enters my school.  Younger teachers seem to catch on to tech-y things much quicker than I do and I feel like I am listening to a foreign language when new teachers get together and start discussing ways they are using technology in their classrooms.  I do not want to become the teacher no one wants becasue she is boring and doesn't do the fun stuff like the younger teachers.  I want to understand and use the new things that are entering our schools, but I am still intimidated by the changes that I sense are coming. Digital literacy is necessary.  I know this.  I want my students to leave my classroom ready to face whatever the world throws at them.  But I doubt my ability to understand the technology well enough to do a good job of teaching it.  I hope that as the changes come to pass, I'll gradually learn the knowledge and skills necessary so I'll feel more confident when the time arises to use and teach these new technologies.  Right now though, I am scared.

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